Antiques for Sale in Wichita with Thumbnail
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Patent Number 2153 133 made in U.S.A. - very old heat on the stove curling iron - makes tiny tendrils for a vintage look. In excellent condition for its age ~ has patent number 2153 133 made in USA. LOCAL PICKUP BY BUYER AND CASH ONLY - Pick Up in...Over 4 weeks ago on Claz
For Sale: Custom industrial table base made from 130 pounds of welded 1/4 plate steel. The base measures approximately 48" long, 28" wide with an adjustable height (via the feet) of 28.5" to 30.5". The base breaks down into three pieces: two legs ...Over 4 weeks ago on Americanlisted
… Is he creepy? Is he cute? Is he weird? You be the judge I think he is awesome! Super retro colors and imagery Done on a Sears Vincent price canvas board The clown is in nice overall shape Measures a...Over 4 weeks ago on Americanlisted
Pair 50's Eero Saarinen BR50 Tulip Chair w/ Arms by Knoll MCM white fiberglass
Antiques · Wichita, KSestate find / as-found / use as-is or restoration project?PAIR of super cool MCM Tulip armchairsBoth bases marked: BR50 Eero Saarinenwhite fiberglass shell, metal baseRescued from the estate of an elderly lady,with an overwhelming amount of stuff ...Over 4 weeks ago on Americanlisted -
Ceramic statue of a boy with a lamb. Porch pickup in Derby, near the Walmart Neighborhood Market on Rock Road. No shipping options at this time.Over 4 weeks ago on Claz
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