Exercise Equipment for Sale in Burlington, IA
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$300 $300 OBO Nordic Track C2255 Treadmill
Treadmills · Burlington, IAA few years old, good condition, has built-in fan, comes with preset running circuits, has a 12% incline. I can no longer use it as I incurred an injury a couple of months ago that has left me unable to use the treadmill anymore. It is heavy, and ...Over 4 weeks ago on AmericanlistedTools- XTools
- $300 OBO Nordic Track ... for $300
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$700 Bowflex Tc5 Treadclimber -
Exercise Equipment · Burlington, IASelling my practically new treadclimber. Just used a couple of times, moving and cant take it with me. requirement to offer ASAP. Features the treadclimber itself, the bowflex placemat and all papers that came with it. $700 obo. Call/Text/Email wi...Over 4 weeks ago on AmericanlistedTools- XTools
- Bowflex Tc5 Treadclimb... for $700
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